Free parking
At the Hotel BlauMar Llafranc, we understand the importance of providing you with comfort and peace of mind during your stay. That's why we offer ample, secure free parking for our guests. We know that your car is valuable, and we want you to be sure that it will be protected while you enjoy your vacation.
Forget about searching for parking and additional fees; at our hotel, parking is a convenience that we offer you free of charge.
Enjoy your stay with the assurance that your vehicle will be in good hands!
Learn about the rest of the services at the Hotel BlauMar Llafranc
At the Hotel BlauMar Llafranc we are proud to offer you a variety of exceptional services to make your stay even more memorable. Our commitment is to provide you with comfort and well-being, from the moment you arrive until the day you leave.
Get to know the rest of the services!